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My Wechat Is Connected To Dragon Palace
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My Wechat Is Connected To Dragon Palace

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Status: Completed Network: Released: Aug 13, 2024 Duration: 15 min. per ep. Season: Country: Type: ONA Episodes: 60 Fansub: DonghuaKing Casts: Released on: Updated on:
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Synopsis My Wechat Is Connected To Dragon Palace

My Wechat Is Connected To Dragon Palace Eng

Luo Yun, an orphan with a mysterious background, entered the “East China Sea Dragon Palace Chat Group” when he became an adult. There, he exchanged cultivation secrets with immortal friends, quickly boosting his strength. He soon transformed into “Luo Yuan Shangxian” and began his journey to cultivate immortals between the human and immortal worlds. Using information and clever plans from his immortal friends, Luo Yun traded spicy strips for immortal pills and cola for spiritual treasures, constantly improving himself. He helped the weak and upheld justice in the real world. Meanwhile, the Overlord Seafood Company rose to prominence in both worlds. Eventually, Luo Yun became entangled in the great dispute between Peach Blossom Spring and Chaos Star Sea. This conflict arose because of the mystery surrounding his origins, leading Luo Yun into challenges that would shape his future.

My Wechat Is Connected To Dragon Palace Indo

Remaja yatim piatu Luo Yun memiliki latar belakang yang misterius. Setelah mencapai usia dewasa, dia tiba-tiba ditarik ke dalam “Grup Obrolan Istana Naga Laut Timur”. Setelah mendapatkan manual kultivasi dari teman-temannya di grup, tingkat kultivasinya meroket. Dia kemudian berubah menjadi “Luo Yuan Abadi” dan memulai perjalanan kultivasinya antara alam manusia dan abadi. Menggunakan kesenjangan informasi dan strategi cerdas dari teman-teman grup WeChat-nya, Luo Yun menukar camilan pedas dengan ramuan dan cola dengan harta spiritual, terus meningkatkan dirinya sambil memperjuangkan keadilan dan membantu yang lemah di dunia nyata. Saat Perusahaan Makanan Laut Tuan bangkit di kedua alam, Luo Yun terjerat dalam konflik epik antara Mata Air Bunga Persik dan Laut Bintang yang Kacau karena misteri asal-usulnya.