Status: Ongoing Network: Bilibili Released: Oct 14, 2024 Duration: 10 min. per ep. Country: China Type: ONA Episodes: 59 Fansub: DonghuaKing
All Female Spies Are In My Sect Eng
The legendary hacker was hunted down and killed by the system AI in order to save humanity, and accidentally became the leader of the first sect in another world. However, in order to deal with the situation that the sect was full of undercover agents and the system crisis that came with it, Chen Ning just wanted to keep a low profile and wait and see. But like a cone in a bag, even if he was cold and unparalleled and cared about the world, he was still passing through a sea of flowers, and every flower touched him. Finally, with the help of the system agent Jiang Que, Chen Ning’s kingly body shook, and both the enemy and us bowed down! The secrets of the world rushed to open to him, and finally solved the crisis of world destruction.
All Female Spies Are In My Sect Indo
Peretas legendaris diburu dan dibunuh oleh sistem AI untuk menyelamatkan umat manusia, dan secara tidak sengaja menjadi pemimpin sekte pertama di dunia lain. Namun, untuk menghadapi situasi bahwa sekte itu penuh dengan agen rahasia dan krisis sistem yang menyertainya, Chen Ning hanya ingin tetap rendah hati dan menunggu dan melihat. Tapi seperti kerucut di dalam tas, bahkan jika dia dingin dan tak tertandingi dan peduli dengan dunia, dia masih melewati lautan bunga, dan setiap bunga menyentuhnya. Akhirnya, dengan bantuan agen sistem Jiang Que, tubuh raja Chen Ning bergetar, dan musuh dan kami membungkuk! Rahasia dunia bergegas untuk dibuka kepadanya, dan akhirnya memecahkan krisis kehancuran dunia.