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Spirit Sword Sovereign Episode 581 Subtitle

Spirit Sword Sovereign Episode 581 Subtitle [4k]

ONA Sub Released on March 25, 2025 · series Spirit Sword Sovereign
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Spirit Sword Sovereign

Ling Jian Zun | 灵剑尊
Rating 7.6
Status: Ongoing Network: Studio: , , Released: Mar 12, 2021 Duration: 10 min. per ep. Season: Country: Type: ONA Episodes: 460 Fansub: DonghuaKing
Spirit Sword Sovereign Eng A big dream drives a young man determined to change the status quo and work hard to create a new world. In this era of genius cultivators, filled with rare and precious treasures, martial arts, and lost strongholds, challenges, opportunities, and danger are ever-present. Follow the adventure of how the lord lost his mainland and, through perseverance, became the Supreme Emperor of the storm. Moreover, the former enemy, once defeated, now refuses to let go! The regrets of the past, once forgotten, must now be made up for. And when the spirit sword shouts, the heavens and the earth will know...I Am Supreme. Spirit Sword Sovereign Indo Sebuah mimpi besar dan seorang pemuda bertekad untuk mengubah status quo dan bekerja keras untuk menciptakan dunia baru. Di era pembudidaya jenius ini, dipenuhi dengan harta langka dan berharga, seni bela diri, dan benteng yang hilang, tantangan, peluang, dan bahaya selalu ada. Saksikan petualangan bagaimana tuan kehilangan daratannya dan, melalui ketekunan, menjadi Kaisar Tertinggi badai. Selain itu, mantan musuh, setelah dikalahkan, sekarang tidak akan pernah dilepaskan! Penyesalan masa lalu, yang pernah dilupakan, sekarang harus diperbaiki. Dan ketika pedang roh berteriak, langit dan bumi akan tahu ... Aku Mahatinggi   Spirit Sword Sovereign | Ling Jian Zun | 灵剑尊

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